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Masaru Takayama
Masaru Takayama, Chair of Asian Ecotourism Network (AEN), introduces the AEN to the assembly and cities its work through collaboration.

Christina Garcia Frasco
Tourism Secretary Chrisrtina Gracia Frasco, delivers a rousing keynote to IETM. She said :" In Departement of Tourism, we realize that tourism can no longer just be about the numbers of quantity, ans its whay events such as thing that hightlight the importance of sustanability are a gift not only to the Philipines but the world.

Dr. Mina Gabor
Dr. Mina Gabor, former tourism secretary who is chair and president of the International School of Sustainable Tourism (ISST), speaks ot the sustained initiatives of the AEN and ISST is mounting the IETM before and during the pandemic, leading to this opening.
"The IETM is an annual event especially designed to bring together delegates and exhibitors to showcase products and services that have a strong ecotourism component, green technology, and sustainable green practices."